The United States stands at a historic crossroads. The rise of authoritarianism, deepening political polarization, and systemic inequities threaten the integrity of our democracy. Trust in government institutions has plummeted to historic lows (Pew Research Center, 2023).
Yet, within this crisis lies an extraordinary opportunity. July 4, 2026, marks the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence—a moment to honor America’s revolutionary legacy and recommit to building a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.
The #unifyUSA movement is calling for the creation of Citizens’ Assemblies at the local, regional, State, and national levels, culminating, if possible, in a National People’s Convention by July 4, 2026.
An interpartisan movement can mobilize people from all walks of life—across political ideologies, cultural backgrounds, and regions—to design a shared future. This is not a partisan endeavor. It is a unifying movement to protect democracy, honor human dignity, and safeguard our planet for future generations. We can unify and place love at the center of our relationships, and our social, economic, and political systems.
Citizens’ Assemblies have the opportunity to forge a solutions to protect democracy, reflect the interdependence of the American people, humanity, and the Earth, and address the pressing challenges of our time.
Building an Inter-partisan Movement
This effort must transcend partisanship, uniting Americans from all political backgrounds who share a commitment to protecting democracy. Only through a broad, inter-partisan coalition can we achieve transformative change.
Here’s how we can mobilize:
1. Local Citizens’ Assemblies. In 2025, begin hosting Citizens’ Assemblies in communities nationwide, focusing on shared values and practical solutions.
2. Regional and State Citizens’ Assemblies. In 2026, connect local assemblies to regional gatherings, where representatives collaborate on national priorities.
3. National People’s Convention. Culminate with a representative convention by July 4, 2026, to draft a reconstructed Constitution based on the deliberations of millions of Americans.
4. Public Education and Advocacy. Launch a national campaign to educate the public about democracy by assembly, Citizens’ Assemblies, countering disinformation, and build support for urgent constitutional reconstruction.
Interdependence: A Guiding Principle
Our shared humanity and interdependence as Americans form the foundation of this movement. Whether Democrat, Republican, independent, or unaffiliated, we are all bound by the same fundamental truths:
1. We are interdependent as a nation. The strength of our democracy depends on our ability to collaborate across differences and work for the common good. As political theorist Danielle Allen writes, democracy thrives when citizens actively engage with one another to shape their collective future (Our Declaration, 2014).
2. We are interdependent with humanity. Global issues such as climate change, migration, and technological governance demand international cooperation and solidarity. As Pope Francis reminds us in Laudato Si’ (2015), the well-being of any nation is inseparable from the well-being of humanity as a whole.
3. We are interdependent with the Earth. The climate emergency underscores humanity’s dependence on living in harmony with the planet’s ecosystems. The 2023 United Nations Climate Report warns that the window for meaningful action is rapidly closing, making bold policy shifts essential (IPCC, 2023).
Today, we must create reconstruct our democracy that reflects the values of freedom, equity, justice, and sustainability and honors our interdependence.
The Threat of Authoritarianism
Authoritarianism rarely arrives overnight. It grows insidiously, fueled by polarization, disinformation, and the erosion of democratic norms. The United States has shown clear signs of “democratic backsliding,” with declining public trust in elections, judicial independence, and media (Varieties of Democracy Institute, 2023).
Key warning signs include:
• Efforts to suppress voter turnout, particularly among marginalized groups (Brennan Center for Justice, 2023).
• Disinformation campaigns that fracture communities and delegitimize democratic institutions.
• Attempts to centralize executive power at the expense of legislative and judicial checks and balances (Levitsky & Ziblatt, How Democracies Die, 2018).
If we fail to act, these trends could undermine the freedoms upon which our country was founded.
Why Citizens’ Assemblies?
Citizens’ Assemblies offer a proven method for addressing complex issues and rebuilding public trust. These assemblies bring together randomly selected citizens who deliberate on key issues with the guidance of experts, fostering meaningful, interpartisan dialogue, and concludes with a (rough) consensus of solutions.
Citizens’ Assemblies: A Path to Unify
Citizens’ Assemblies offer a proven, inclusive way to rebuild trust and promote collaborative problem-solving. These assemblies bring together randomly selected citizens, representative of the broader population, to deliberate on key issues. With expert guidance and facilitated discussions, they foster meaningful, interpartisan dialogue.
In 2025-2026, Citizens’ Assemblies can:
Rebuild Trust in Democracy: Citizens’ Assemblies empower ordinary Americans to shape their future, restoring faith in the democratic process. In Ireland, similar assemblies helped resolve contentious constitutional issues like marriage equality and abortion rights through consensus-building (Farrell et al., Deliberative Mini-Publics, 2021).
Address Structural Failures: Citizens’ Assemblies can explore reforms to address systemic flaws, such as the Electoral College, gerrymandering, and the influence of money in politics (Teachout, Corruption in America, 2014).
Build an Interpartisan Framework: By fostering collaboration across ideological lines, Citizens’ Assemblies create a shared vision for the future of governance.
Lay the Foundation for a National People’s Convention: Insights from local, State, and regional Citizens’ Assemblies will shape the agenda for a National People’s Convention, where representatives from across the country will draft a new Constitution.
Citizens’ Assemblies will play a pivotal role in resolving contentious issues by building consensus across deep divides (Farrell et al., Deliberative Mini-Publics, 2021).
For more information Citizens’ Assemblies, check out these resources:
DemocracyNext: Assembling an Assembly Guide
Leadership Now Project: Guide on Citizens’ Assemblies
Why 2025-2026 Is Our Window of Opportunity
The risks of inaction are clear. Authoritarianism often rises in divided societies where trust in institutions erodes and grievances fester unchecked. Research from the Varieties of Democracy Institute (2023) shows how incremental democratic backsliding can lead to the collapse of freedoms.
The years 2025-2026 represent a critical window to mobilize. If we act now, we can create the necessary momentum for constitutional reconstruction before the divisive 2028 presidential election. Delaying action risks further polarization and entrenched systemic failures.
Our current Constitution, written in 1787, no longer meets the demands of the 21st century. Designed for an agrarian society, it enshrined systemic inequities and concentrated power among the privileged few. While amendments have addressed some of these flaws, the framework remains inadequate to address modern challenges like economic inequality, climate change, and systemic inequality (Lepore, These Truths, 2018).
A National People’s Convention by July 4, 2026
A National People’s Convention will serve as the capstone of this movement—a historic gathering where representatives from across the country come together to draft a reconstructed Constitution.
A reconstruction of the Constitution must address the challenges of the 21st century while upholding the values of liberty, justice, and sustainability. Key priorities include:
• Strengthening Democracy. Safeguard voting rights, ensure independent election oversight, and limit executive power.
• Advancing Equity and Human Rights. Guarantee access to income, economic opportunity, healthcare, education, and affordable housing for all Americans.
• Codifying Climate Action. Embed climate justice and sustainability into the nation’s governing framework (UN Climate Report, 2023).
• Reforming and Modernizing Governance. Enhancing transparency and accountability, reducing the influence of money in politics, and ensuring checks and balances. Address digital safety and privacy, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.
• Fostering Inclusion: Embedding protections for marginalized communities and honoring the full diversity of the American people.
A Call to Action
The stakes could not be higher. The time to act is now.
We urge every American to join this movement. Host or participate in a Citizens’ Assembly in your community. Advocate for state and local governments to support these initiatives.
Together, we can confront the threat of authoritarianism and create a reconstructed Constitution that reflects our shared values of interdependence, equity, and sustainability.
July 4, 2026, can be more than a celebration of our past—it can be the beginning of a new chapter in American history. Let us act boldly and urgently to protect democracy for generations to come.
Please join me and other brave Americans is this opportunity.
Dr. Paul Zeitz, founder, #unifyUSA
Are you ready to #unify? Learn more about #unifyUSA at
Get your copy of Revolutionary Optimism: Seven Steps for Living as a Love-Centered-Activist here!
1. Pew Research Center. (2023). Public Trust in Government: 1958-2023.
2. Lepore, J. (2018). These Truths: A History of the United States.
3. Farrell, D. et al. (2021). Deliberative Mini-Publics: Practices and Principles.
4. Levitsky, S., & Ziblatt, D. (2018). How Democracies Die.
5. Teachout, Z. (2014). Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United.
6. IPCC. (2023). Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change.
7.Varieties of Democracy Institute. (2023). Democracy Report: Autocratization Turns Viral.
Lots of thought provoking ideas raised and approaches suggested. As an American reborn again, one of the things that seems to be missing is what are the common values, morals, and principles that make us American, a nation and a country and unite us as a people? Does it matter or not? If so why? If not why? Many new and first generation immigrant say America has no culture and there is no real definition of what it means to be American. Seems to be a big division here. We do. One traditional one is "Help your neighbor." Something that in many diverse communities seems to be missing. Without defining what these values, morals and principles are, emphasis on our differences only and general referal to us a people will only serve to divide us and everyone again looking out for their own narrow selfish interest to the detriment of the public good and once again the strongest, most influential and best connected will dominate every phase of our politics, society, business and our culture. Understanding how our cultural differences both enrich our society as well as creates unintended consequences are issues that have not received the attention that is needed in strengthening our democracy and our unity. We just saw how an attack on affirmative action to correct past wrongs is a reflection of cultural differences and realities may negatively affect our democracy and create resentment and distrust.
“Let me be clear: this isn't about partisan politics. This is about returning power to where it belongs - in the hands of the American people.” I really love this idea.