Lots of thought provoking ideas raised and approaches suggested. As an American reborn again, one of the things that seems to be missing is what are the common values, morals, and principles that make us American, a nation and a country and unite us as a people? Does it matter or not? If so why? If not why? Many new and first generation immigrant say America has no culture and there is no real definition of what it means to be American. Seems to be a big division here. We do. One traditional one is "Help your neighbor." Something that in many diverse communities seems to be missing. Without defining what these values, morals and principles are, emphasis on our differences only and general referal to us a people will only serve to divide us and everyone again looking out for their own narrow selfish interest to the detriment of the public good and once again the strongest, most influential and best connected will dominate every phase of our politics, society, business and our culture. Understanding how our cultural differences both enrich our society as well as creates unintended consequences are issues that have not received the attention that is needed in strengthening our democracy and our unity. We just saw how an attack on affirmative action to correct past wrongs is a reflection of cultural differences and realities may negatively affect our democracy and create resentment and distrust.
Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I think Covid divided us and made us forget some of our core values. People who used to champion freedom of speech started to promote censorship. Neighbors who had been friends for years decided unvaccinated neighbors were not welcome in their home. Our community grocery actually barred a young disabled teen who has nasal blockages due to cerebral palsy from entering because he was not physically able to wear a mask. He had a doctor’s note. They didn’t care. I wish we could get back to some of our core values. Some of these, in my mind, are: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, kindness, compassion, honoring your parents, inclusion, free quality education for all (regardless of skin color, brain function, and vaccine status) and being stewards of the earth…
“Let me be clear: this isn't about partisan politics. This is about returning power to where it belongs - in the hands of the American people.” I really love this idea.
Lots of thought provoking ideas raised and approaches suggested. As an American reborn again, one of the things that seems to be missing is what are the common values, morals, and principles that make us American, a nation and a country and unite us as a people? Does it matter or not? If so why? If not why? Many new and first generation immigrant say America has no culture and there is no real definition of what it means to be American. Seems to be a big division here. We do. One traditional one is "Help your neighbor." Something that in many diverse communities seems to be missing. Without defining what these values, morals and principles are, emphasis on our differences only and general referal to us a people will only serve to divide us and everyone again looking out for their own narrow selfish interest to the detriment of the public good and once again the strongest, most influential and best connected will dominate every phase of our politics, society, business and our culture. Understanding how our cultural differences both enrich our society as well as creates unintended consequences are issues that have not received the attention that is needed in strengthening our democracy and our unity. We just saw how an attack on affirmative action to correct past wrongs is a reflection of cultural differences and realities may negatively affect our democracy and create resentment and distrust.
Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I think Covid divided us and made us forget some of our core values. People who used to champion freedom of speech started to promote censorship. Neighbors who had been friends for years decided unvaccinated neighbors were not welcome in their home. Our community grocery actually barred a young disabled teen who has nasal blockages due to cerebral palsy from entering because he was not physically able to wear a mask. He had a doctor’s note. They didn’t care. I wish we could get back to some of our core values. Some of these, in my mind, are: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, kindness, compassion, honoring your parents, inclusion, free quality education for all (regardless of skin color, brain function, and vaccine status) and being stewards of the earth…
“Let me be clear: this isn't about partisan politics. This is about returning power to where it belongs - in the hands of the American people.” I really love this idea.